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Ivanka Saykova, Svetlana Saykova
Резюме: The article discusses basic principles of creative thinking, which generate new ideas and useful changes in science and social practice. Usually, principles are seen as a guidance in one field or activity. In creative thinking they are something more. They are used as approaches and tools for mastering the technology, i.e. knowledge and skills to discover new ideas. Six such principles are discussed. The first four are produced by the English researcher E. de Bono, the other two are authors' invention. Together with the specific logic of creative thinking, they form the foundation of the technology of this thinking. They have been formulated relatively recently, and for many, they are still less known. And without their knowledge and understanding, it is difficult to master the methods and tools of this technology.

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Дата на публикуване: 2019-09-19
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