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Stoyanka Mastikova
Резюме: In pursuit of the objectives of the transition to a low carbon, secure and competitive economy, at the end of 2018, the European Parliament has adopted new targets for the use of renewable energy and energy efficiency. By 2030, energy efficiency in the European Union (EU) should be improved to at least to 32.5%, while the share of energy from renewable sources (RES) should be at least 32% of the EU's final energy consumption.
Renewable energy sources are water energy, wind energy, solar photovoltaic energy, solar thermal energy, geothermal energy, biofuels, charcoal, biogas, landfill waste, liquid biofuels and the heat from the environment.
This article presents some major trends in the production and consumption of energy from renewable energy sources in Bulgaria in the context of meeting the goals set for the transition to a low carbon, secure and competitive economy. The focus of the article is information security and the challenges to energy statistics at the National Statistical Institute for providing the necessary data. Potential sources of information, such as administrative data, traditional statistical surveys, and intelligent measuring equipment (big data), have been reviewed. Special attention is paid to the progress made in the implementation of innovative approaches to data collection by Central Statistical Bureau of Netherlands.
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Дата на публикуване: 2019-09-19
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